Well today has been quite a day. First let me start with my day at the doctors - I say doctors because I had two doctors appointments today, which I took the day off from work to go. My first stop this morning to the Gastroncologist at 9:00 a.m. I have had stomach issues most of the past few years, but I had began to notice that they had gotten a lot worse over the past few months or so. I explained this to my primary physician when I went in for a blood pressure check and she suggested to go to the Gastroncologist just to double-check that it wasn't something more serious than IBS. Well anyways getting on with my tale of sorrow - I arrive at 9:00 a.m. at the doctor's office to find that I am the only patient there under the age of 75! I go in and see the doctor and explain what has been going on and to make a long story shorter I have to get a string of test done and get a colonoscopy on March 18th ... oh what fun ... what joy ... just what I always wanted.
As if this wasn't enough to fill my day with excitement I had another appointment at 2:00 p.m. with a general surgeon about a lump under my skin on my left forearm and a BB that I have had in my side since I was 7 years old. Now you might be saying, "Hey Andy you've had that BB in your side for the past 21 years almost ... why take it out now." I realize that my wife loves me very much and apparently it gives here a smidgen of heebees and touch of jeebees for me to have a BB in my side. I kept hearing some "What ifs..."
1. "What if it dislodges and goes into your bloodstream into your heart and kills you?"
2. "What if it dislodges and goes into your brain and kills you?"
3. "What if its leaking something into your system that is slowly killing you?"
See a pattern there?? Overall, she is afraid that it is killing me. Well after talking with the surgeon he stated that it was harmless, as was the lump ... but if I wanted to remove them he could do it in the office with a general anesthetic - so since I want to get the lump removed under my forearm I figure that I will get the BB removed at the same time to set my good wifes nerves at ease. Although they better let me keep my BB!!
Now shifting the subject since I am as Lauren states a "history nerd" I cannot help but mention that today was an historic day. Barack Obama was sworn in as the first African-American president of the United States of America. Now, honestly I cannot understand why anyone didn't want this man as president - everytime I hear him speak I am inspired. He is like Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy all rolled into one. I feel that he will be good for this country and get us back on the right track ... not only economically, but also restore the United States reputation throughout the world ... of course, only time will tell.
Okay Lauren keeps asking me when I am going to be done typing this and she is glaring at me to end this ... so I'm out!
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