Sunday, September 26, 2010


Well, let me say, boy have I been busy!!! I thought I was a busy person before having Stella, but sheesh!!!! There are not enough hours in the week to get everything accomplished! I am not seeing how a person can function and have more than one kiddo.....but I guess you learn how to do that when they come - lol!!! =)

Stella is almost 9 months old now, and I can't believe it. I was only pregnant for about 8 months, and now she is older than that. And BIG!!! I am sure she will be tipping the scales at 20 pounds come October 6th (her dr's appt). She also has 4 teeth coming in on top, to go with her 2 on the bottom. Yet, she is still not a big fan of food.....I am hoping that will change soon.

Not only am I excited about how much Stella has grown, but I love love LOVE this time of year. October through New Year's is my favorite time. I love the cooler weather, the fall/winter colors, and all the fun and goodies that come along with this time of year. I hope Stella learns to love this time as much as I do. But with my luck, she will be a swimmer and Summer lover (since she already love the water and being outside)!!!

Stella with Grandma in Market Street.....what a little fashionista!!

Stella and mommy at the Grotto for Grandma's bday.....doesn't she look cute in her little sailor dress??!! I also think Weight Watchers is in my future - lol!!!

Stella getting ready for Halloween!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Emergency Room

So, Monday was our first trip to the ER with Stella. That is not something I would like to relive. She ended up having croup.....where she got that, I don't know.

She started with a little cough Sunday, and already had an appt Monday to get an immunization. So, the doc checked her out and said it looked like she had some allergies (which we already knew), and gave us a prescription for some Zyrtec. I got home from work and she was fine - just a cough a little runny nose. Well, by 8pm she sounded worse and was getting very cranky. My mom came over to listen to her since I thought she sounded weezy and thought she may be having an asthma attack. We call the doctor and she called in a prescription for a breathing treatment (we have a nebulizer because I have asthma). We did the treatment and she sounded ever worse! At that point she was inconsolable and not breathing well at all. My mom said it was time to go to the ER and the doc agreed.

Well, poor Stella was just feeling awful. We got to the ER about 10:30 and were there until 2:45. It was one of those stand alone Memorial Hermann ER's, so we didn't have to wait to be seen, which was good. Stel had a fever of about 103 and ended up having to have some xrays to rule out other problems. She had xrays twice, another breathing treatment, a steroid shot, Tylenol and Motrin (it took a while for her fever to start to come down). She couldn't have any milk while she had a fever so the nurse gave us some Pedialyte - which I think Stella actually enjoyed and it helped to calm her down a little around 1am. By the time we left she was tuckered out and was able to sleep with me holding her upright until 7am.

Not a pleasant day at all. She is feeling better now, just has a cough and is a bit horse. The doctor said the cough should go away in a week or two. All the precautions I take to keep her from getting sick, and the first time she does we end up in the ER.....oy!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's already August?!?!

I can't believe Stella is already 7 month old. It feels like she was just born yesterday!

Since going back to work in May, time has really gotten away from me. I feel like I am going 24/7, and yet I don't really get anything accomplished. I get up at the crack of dark, work 9-10 hours, come home and play/feed/bathe Stella, put her to bed, clean up some, and then go to sleep only to be woken up 1-3 times over the next 7 hours.....then I have to start all over again! Needless to say, I feel like a zombie most days. If I could just get Stel to sleep through the night and stay in her own bed, I think I would feel better - lol!!!!

Andy goes back to work in a week, and that makes me sad. Now, instead of leaving Stel with daddy all day, she will be with a nanny. Now, I know most people have to work and put their kids in daycare - I just didn't think I would have to do that. I am so sad =( Andy and I went through an agency in Houston to find our nanny. She is nice - 49 years old, been a nanny for 20+ years, had wonderful references, and speaks Spanish so she can teach Stella some. I am happy that we are getting a nanny so Stel can have 1 on 1 time with someone. I was not a fan of having to put her in daycare - I didn't care what I had to do, she was just not ready to be going to a place with more than 1 other kid her age (my opinion, not shared by most other people, but that is a whole other story). With the nanny she can get all the attention that she needs (which is a lot according to her, lol!!) and we will hopefully ward off many of the illnesses that come with daycares. I hope she will be happy and understand mommy and daddy are not leaving her (and don't want to leave her) with a stranger - that we have to work to take care of her. But, I think that might be asking too much from a 7 month old =)

As for Stella's development - she has cut 2 teeth since July 23rd and started crawling August 6th. She also says "da-da-da-da" constantly......she really needs to throw in a "ma-ma-ma" once in a while!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stella's Day @ the Pool - May 23, 2010

Stella got to go swimming with Grandpa and Daddy on Sunday ... and she loved every minute of it splish splashing in her grandparents pool!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Manhood for Amateurs: Reflections from Fatherhood

Well it has now been 4 1/2 months since Stella has been born, which in and of itself is incredible because it feels like it was just yesterday that I witnessed the birth of my daughter. Looking back at the past few months I have to say that I am still continually in awe of that little girl ... she is literally the center of my world and I look forward to watching her grow. My one regret is that I don't get to spend nearly as much time with her as I would like ... between teaching and graduate school I feel like I am missing so much. I know that Stella loves me from the way she smiles and giggles when we are together, but it is still very hard to get up in the morning and leave her to go to work or go to College Station for class.

I have also found I am constantly worried - not only about her, but in my abilities as a father. I am always thinking am I being a good father? Could I be better? Will she know how much I love her? I know this is probably not unusual for new fathers - I just want to make sure that Stella always understands that she and her mother are my number one priority.

When it is all said and done like most parents I wish for the best for my child and that she knows that I am always there for her no matter what ...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Today is Lauren's first Mother's Day as an actual Mom - and she is a WONDERFUL Mother to Stella and wife to me. We love you honey!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stella is 4 months!

Stella stats -
13.5 pounds (48th percentile)
25 inches (75th percentile)

She has really grown!!! No longer in the 1-2 percentile that she was in two months ago - yeah!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Stella Rolled Over

On April 21, 2010 - Stella rolled over all by herself! She is growing up so fast - I can hardly believe it has almost been 4 months!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Stella is one crazy baby =)

Last night we went to bed around 10:15 (which means she lays down next to me and nurses to sleep) and all was going well. She fell asleep and was out cold by 10:40 or so. I decided to try to put her in her Safe Sleeper (little bed in our bed between Andy and I) - apparently because I was crazy and thought she might like it. Well, Stella slept for about 10-15 minutes before she woke up. First her arm twitched and she moved a little, then her arm flung up, her eyes opened wide and she cried. The look on her face was one of sheer terror. Now, it is not like she woke up in her crib, by herself, in a strange place. She was about 6 inches from where she fell asleep still next to me - just not touching me. Needless to say, I then spent 30 minutes getting her back to sleep =)

I know babies aren't supposed to know about manipulation yet, but it seems like they know emotions like "mad" and "scared" wouldn't they know the others? I just don't know why she gets so upset - I have never left her longer than a couple hours to go to the doctor. I have to go back to work next week - I do don't see that going well!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Forever Young

My baby girl is really growing and developing her own little personality. I love watching her grow and being with her -- I am looking forward to the many years to come. I know there has been some clamor for pictures so I have put together a little slide show of pictures of Stella from 0-3 months old :) ENJOY!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stella Grew!!

3 month stats -

10lbs 12oz (now in the 19th percentile - yippee!!!)
22.5 inches long
15 inch head

She also got the first HIB shot today and took it like a champ.

I can't believe how much she grew over the last month - crazy! She will be crawling around before I know it - although I am not convinced that she won't skip crawling around altogether and just start walking around 10-11 months.....she does not like to be on the ground but loves being held up on her legs - lol!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Car Ride

Smiling - tongue out and all =)

Too cute looking at her toys!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


So, I am having some mixed feelings about going back to work in 6 weeks. These are feelings I did not think I was going to have....especially after Stella's first 8 weeks of life. Since she has been eating more she has been a much happier baby (if I was starving all the time I would be cranky too!)

Now I am thinking I would really like to be a SAHM for the first few years of Stella's life. I mean, I love working and the interaction with people that talk back - lol - but I just want to cry when I think about leaving her for 9 hours a day. I am even going to be leaving her with my mom, who I completely trust, and is the ideal caretaker. I just don't want to leave her. She was growing in me for 36 weeks, and has been almost as attached for the last 10 weeks. It is going to be weird without her.

Can we afford for me to stay home? Yes and No. Yes, we can cut way back, dip into our savings if need be and make things work. If we really needed to we could take more student loans to cover tuition and extra stuff....I just really don't want to do that. The problem is, we would not be saving anything, we would not be contributing to Stella's college fund, nor my 401k for retirement. I really don't want to dig ourselves into a hole - we have done so well over the last 5 years.

Now, if Andy could get a VP job at one of the high schools that would *really* help me make a decision. He would be making more and we wouldn't have to worry about my income so much.

Maybe I could work part-time....that would help with the income situation and let me be home more.

Maybe we could win the lottery - lol!!!!

I just don't know what to do. I go back in 6 weeks and will be working half days that week, so I guess we will see how that goes. This whole thing is such a bummer.....=(

Saturday, March 6, 2010

2 months old

Stella went to the doctor yesterday for her 2 month appt. That was fun....or not - lol!!

weight - 8lbs 1oz
height - 21.25 inches

What do those numbers mean you might ask? It means that poor little Stella is just that - LITTLE. Too little apparently and now we have to start supplementing her more. Even though she eats all day and night - really, I don't move or go anywhere b/c she eats so often - she is not getting enough =( Maybe over the next month she will finally grow out of her newborn clothes and diapers!

She also had her DTap, Polio, and Heb B shot yesterday. At least the were combined in one shot so she only had to have one prick. She was a happy baby until she was stabbed with the needle - her face instantly cringed and this very sad cry came out. She only cried for a minute though, so that was good. She has been a bit more fussy though last night/today - but so far no serious side affects - yeah!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Stella went shopping for the first time today. Here, she was having a snack and trying to avoid the paparazzi.....=)

How hard is it to shop with a baby? Really hard. First, all doors should be automatic doors. It is hard to open a door and get a stroller through it. Second, steering a stroller while tired is not a good idea - you run into a lot of things - lol!! Lastly, how on earth are you supposed to try anything on if you are by yourself with the kiddo? I mean, not that I want to see what size my big butt and gut fits into now, but I would like regular pants again and how do you do that with a baby? I don't see Stella being patient while I attempt to find a pair of jeans (or fitting into the dressing room in her stroller). haha!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thoughts on Fatherhood and Stella

Lauren has been complaining that I don't post on here to much so I wanted to take a moment to post some thoughts I have had over the past 6 weeks since my little baby girl Stella has been born.

On January 4th my life changed forever and I was ushered into the world of fatherhood a little earlier than I expected. I can honestly say though that I love being a father although it is exhausting and at times frustrating. I look into those big blue eyes of Stella's and I think "Wow this is truly amazing ... I can't believe that I helped create this little life." Furthermore, you can see both Lauren and I in her features -- unfortunately for her she has my big feet and pincher toes ... sorry Stella. However, fortunately she has her mother's beautiful eyes that just seem to stare right through you.

Is parenthood hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Hell yes. Like I've always said anything worth doing will never be easy ... and I can't wait to watch Stella grow and develop her personality through the years.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

One month pics

I like to flail my arms and scratch my face when I get frustrated/tired/hungry!

I am one month old now!! Yeah!!!

I still don't fit into my clothes though.....need to eat more (if that is possible).

One Month Old

Stella is a month old....actually almost 5 full weeks now. And she still we weighs under 7 pounds!?!?!? Yes, she is a tiny little one - in the 3-5th percentile for weight and height (20 inches). I told her the 3rd percentile is great for school and test scores - we want her to be smart =) - but I would prefer that she starts to grow and goes into the average range for height/weight! I guess we will see what happens in the next month. I am not looking forward to the next appointment though since she will be getting shots....=( I think daddy needs to go with us for that!

Other than that, the doc said she is looking well. Although I am a little worried she will get sick in the next week since my mom and I have been sick all this past week - and in the haze that is 2am, I know I have coughed right on her! I really am not looking forward to caring for a sick baby....she is fussy enough as it is!! So Stella, how about you not get sick?? That would make me happy =)

The last month has been a big blur. In fact, it has really felt like one looooong day. I know everyone says to enjoy them while they are this age, they grow so fast, etc......but I have to say, I can't wait for this time next year. I have found out that I am not so much a baby person - I mean, I love babies and think they are adorable, but I like to be able to hand them over when they start to cry - lol!!! I will be happy when Stella starts to interact with us more and show her personality. I also figure at that point she will be sleeping in her own bed and being able to be put down without constant screaming!!! That will be so nice =)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


This is Stella right after birth (or I should say, right after they cleaned her up!!)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Stella's Info

When she was born she:

Weighed 6 lbs 7 ounces
Was 19.5 inches tall
Had a good Apgar rating
And, you could tell her lungs were fully developed by the shrieks that were coming out of her when they were trying to bathe her - HA!!!

She is a little jaundice now due to being 3 weeks early and having some breastfeeding problems, but we think everyone is on the same page with the feeding now (after a consultation with a WONDERFUL lactation expert at the hospital - that we had yesterday after I had a meltdown!). We also went to the doc this morning just to be on the safe side (the weekend is coming, and you know kids always get sick after 5pm on Friday) - the doc said everything was OK and we just need to come back next week for her 1 week tests.

I foresee a very feisty kid in my future!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Surprise - Stella came early - WAY early!!!! I wanted her to come out, but geez, I was not prepared for the 4th....I guess that is lesson #1 with kids - expect the unexpected!!!! HA =)

If anyone wants to know - my water broke at about 4:45 am on the 4th. It was quite freaky, and not something that was anticipated. I really didn't have contractions at first, so I was not really sure what was going on in there. Once we arrived at the hospital, around 5:30, we went into triage in the maternity ward and they confirmed my water broke, and said I was 2cm, so I was moved to a room where everything would happen. They started the Pitocin drip around 8 I think (I am not quite sure, it could have been 9, I was tired!)....that stuff is the worst medicine ever. I quickly decided to get the epidural - very good idea =). After the epidural was placed around 10:30/11 everything started to speed up. They checked me at 1pm and I was 8ish cm dialated, they then checked me around 2:15 and I was almost 10cm. The nurses had me start to push around 2:45 and we did 4 or 5 sets of 3 before the doctor got there - which was apparently too many because around 3:15 they told me to not push when I felt the urge - that is hard to do! The doc arrived and we did one set of 3 and her head was out. On the second set of 3 the rest of her arrived!!! Stella was born at 3:29pm Jan 4th 2010!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

36 weeks

I think I am going to explode!!!!