Friday, April 10, 2009


Alex ended up having a small procedure yesterday on his ears. The vet was worried his eardrums had burst, but they had not - they were just loaded with gunk!! Apparently, he had fluid and wax stuck in his ears and it was pushing against his eardrums, which was making it so he could not hear.

I think the worst part about the whole thing yesterday was the fact that they had to put him under anesthesia. He was out of it yesterday, and made a lot of sad whiny noises - which made me sad. Then, he decided he was going to stay awake all night. So what does that mean for mommy?? I was going to stay awake all night!!! Fun!!

Needless to say, I am quite tired now =) But I do think he is hearing a little bit more. Hopefully his hearing will come back completely in the next week or so.

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