Stella is almost 9 months old now, and I can't believe it. I was only pregnant for about 8 months, and now she is older than that. And BIG!!! I am sure she will be tipping the scales at 20 pounds come October 6th (her dr's appt). She also has 4 teeth coming in on top, to go with her 2 on the bottom. Yet, she is still not a big fan of food.....I am hoping that will change soon.
Not only am I excited about how much Stella has grown, but I love love LOVE this time of year. October through New Year's is my favorite time. I love the cooler weather, the fall/winter colors, and all the fun and goodies that come along with this time of year. I hope Stella learns to love this time as much as I do. But with my luck, she will be a swimmer and Summer lover (since she already love the water and being outside)!!!
Stella with Grandma in Market Street.....what a little fashionista!!

Stella and mommy at the Grotto for Grandma's bday.....doesn't she look cute in her little sailor dress??!! I also think Weight Watchers is in my future - lol!!!

Stella getting ready for Halloween!

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